Filmfolio NetPlusUltra® v3.8/2024

Showtime Machine In Progress...

Welcome to the changeblog version of my user account at IMDb. The rest is self-explanatory.
All Playlist-enabled subject-matter dimensions of the conceptual problem-solving spectrum, followed by the sub-topics pertaining thereto ("Re[garding]: Biodiversity" for example).
Please switch to desktop display or landscape mode to view all sub-topics.
All Playlist-enabled subject-matter dimensions of the conceptual problem-solving spectrum, followed by the sub-topics pertaining thereto ("Re[garding]: Biodiversity" for example).
Further indexation tags to classify the same movies and related posts by type: A-tags: About / C-tags: Civilization (of origin) / F-tags: Format / G-tags: (film) Genres / L-tags: Length / S-tags: (music) Styles / T-tags: (book) Topics / V-tags: Versioning (updates and upgrades).
Please switch to desktop display or landscape mode to view all G-, S- & T-tags.
Further indexation tags to classify the same movies and related posts by type: A-tags: About / C-tags: Civilization (of origin) / F-tags: Format / G-tags: (film) Genres / L-tags: Length / S-tags: (music) Styles / T-tags: (book) Topics / V-tags: Versioning (updates and upgrades).
My subject-matter relevant selection of movies, listed by original release date from Wikipedia (as opposed to the French release dates from IMDb). The dates under which my own contents are indexed (iFramed redirections, books and Wikipedia-based contents mainly) correspond to my personal and professional R&D rationale. When my timeline differs from the release date of a quoted 3rd-party content, such as a book for example, the latter's month of release is indicated between brackets in the title.
Redirections to related websites and pages of my concept demonstration path.
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Quick-Start Guide

Latest Additions and Updates

2023-08-26 to 30
2023-08-22 to 24
2023-08-19 & 20
2023-08-14 & 15
  • Added a retro-prospective "F: Restore Point" pertaining to my agenda of September 2000.
  • Enhanced timelines 1993 and 2001 and updated taglines accordingly.
  • Deleted useless versioning information in all player-enabled video posts.
Batch 2/2:
Batch 1/2:
  • Added timeline 1970 to introduce both:
  • Updated related taglines 1970 to 2000.
  • Enhanced timelines 1996 to 2000 and updated related taglines.
  • Replaced "Re: CAN-openers" (suppressed yesterday) by "Re: Outgoing Broadband".
  • Enhanced timelines 1989, 1995 and 1997.
  • Updated related taglines.
  • Enhanced items indexed under "F: iFrame" with redirections to the source page.
  • Replaced the "Re: CPU" sub-category name by "Re: Multicore Processing Issues".
  • Updated indexation of related items.
As of version 3.4/2023 of 2023-07-29, all new items will be marked with a Cantaloupe-colored border.
  • Enhanced timelines 1987 and 1991-1994.
  • Updated related taglines.
  • New items marked with a Cantaloupe-colored border.
  • Enhanced timelines 1990 to 1992 and updated related taglines.
  • Reviewed all (keyword-enabled) taglines.
  • Enhanced timelines 1984 to 1990 and updated related taglines.
  • Reviewed all (keyword-enabled) taglines.
  • Enhanced timelines 1976 to 1986 and updated related taglines.
  • Reviewed timeline 1989 and related taglines.
  • Split "G-tags" into "(film) Genres" and "S-tags: (music) Styles".
  • Suppressed "S-tags: Status (uncategorized)".
2023-07-23 to 25
Enhanced timeline 1973 to 1984 and updated related taglines.
Created v3.4/2023 to optimize the mobile display of the upper ToC section (length of index shortened for mobile screen sizes).
Added the "Sweet Shield of Mine" tagline, in reference to the "Instrumenta[liza]tion" of "my stereOptics" (self-experimental by premature birth-related "default").
2023-07-11 to 20
  • Creation of version 3.3/2023 and completion of Playlist 03 (Legal Concerns).
  • In progress: indexation of existing and added content (added a "Status: Uncategorized" tag to locate the items left to be indexed).
  • Please note that the indexation (or categorization) process is a time consuming task which requires a lot of hard drive-based (internal) cross-referencing prep work meant to keep the original release timeline consistent with my own operations research-focused rationale.
Release of version 3.2/2023 (through removal of IP-based access restriction).
Creation of version 3.2/2023 and preparation for release.
  1. Creation of version 3.1/2023.
  2. Addition and indexation of the trailers from Playlists 1 & 2.
  3. Pre-publication in sandbox mode with IP-enabled access restriction.
Creation and initial configuration of version 3.0/2023.
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