Solving The Puzzle, One Movie at a Time...
As an independent knowledge professional with self-grown expertise in the field of advanced meta-cognition, I have always considered movies as an essential means to build useful insight into complex systemic issues, which is particularly true for profiles of my generation (born in Europe in the early 1970ies), who suffered a saturating textbook education (with lots of audiovisual contents in-between the books) while Hollywood was busy Americanizing the world.
Accordingly, the present IMDB profile page serves as a gateway to all my film-based Watchfolios (since "I am DB" too, NetFarce aside), where you will soon find current playlists about selected topics of permanent concern. For further insight into the making of my own spacetime traveler’s codex, please visit my concept demonstration websites self-hosted at OVHcloud in France under French intellectual property law, among which:
- Agenda:
- Contact:
- Profile:
All watchlists below should be viewed in the numerical problem-solving order, according to the release timeline rationale inside each list. The selected movies show what stands in the way with regard to the mission statement (briefly explained in the list description).
As a cinematographic debriefing listing movies relevant to my "Master Class Showcase", the concept-sustained disclosure rationale presented herein should not be confounded with my own specific operations-research-focused "soul investigation" rationale, which was originally determined by the geopolitical media chronology defined for each linguistic region.
In other words: the purpose of the following playlists is to present the successive self-defined therapy stages through which I developed my web concept solution after my Y2K bug of June 2000, not to provide a detailed personal chronology about how I burned out into having to solve a mind-boggling puzzle.
This is all work in progress, which means that I’ll provide the Playfolio hereto during my next web production phase. In the meantime, all that is left for me to do, against the background of this debriefing, is to wish you a safe and sound journey into, across and - most importantly - OUT OF having to find a way to save humankind from itself…
(PS: You won’t find any reviews on this page [only ratings], because my review system follows a conceptual "Next Generation" rationale which is incompatible with the prevailing model.)